Feeding the broodmare: key points and mistakes to avoid.


Does my broodmare's diet influence her fertility? Should I supplement my broodmare's diet during pregnancy? Can my broodmare's diet have an impact on the foal-to-be? My broodmare is losing condition during lactation. What should I do?


These are just some of the questions horse breeders are likely to ask themselves, and Angélique Descarpentry will be answering them during this FoalR Masterclass.




Angélique Descarpentry founded Equi-Transm'être in 2017, an agricultural engineer by training and a freelance equine nutritionist, her aim via Equi-Transm'être is to help professionals and private individuals set up a diet suited to their horses, from foals to older horses and from leisure horses to top-level sports horses.


The masterclass was presented in French.